Einstein Hat Awards (entries 292-270)
Thank you to our sponsors, XTX Markets, UK Maths Trust, National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath.org), Amplify, G-Research, Jane Street and Dexter and Deborah Senft. Contributors - Geoff Smith, Simon Coyle, Samuel Monnier, Dianne Flatt, Cindy Lawrence, Chaim Goodman-Strauss, Guillermo Acevedo, Kit Reagan, Hayley Richardson, Philipp Legner, Craig Kaplan, Robert Fathauer, Yoshiaki Araki, Dexter Senft, David Smith and Ewart Shaw. 292 Samuel Circle 16 USA My idea is a new neighbourhood design, based on the relatively infrequent flipped monotiles. These tiles represent the houses, while the surrounding three tiles are the outdoor property of that house. When three of these sets of three form a triangle, this "block" becomes a set of apartments, and the tile they surround is a courtyard. House tiles that are not part of apartment blocks are connected by green space to another. Long stretches of uncategorized tiles are set as main roads for easy transportation. The benefit of t...